Artwork by artists with disabilities
We would like to introduce you to art that tells a story, artists that will surprise & delight you. Welcome!
Our artists work
What's the deal? Is Art Rabble a charity?
Our artists are a many and varied bunch. We showcase artwork
by artists with mental health challenges, learning disabilities, fibromyalgia,
Down's syndrome, Autism, Parkinson's disease and dyslexia amongst others. Our
main aim is to support disabled artists who struggle to get their work into
bricks and mortar galleries and exhibitions. This is not because they are
lacking in talent but that they face barriers that other artists may not. We
want to be the solution for why you so rarely see the artwork of disabled
artists for sale.
We are a social enterprise which means that our main aim is
not to make profit but to have a positive social impact. However, unlike
charities we do not apply for funding or grants, nor do we have an army of
volunteers in the background, we try and stand on our own two feet. With the
support of like-minded, art-loving, people like you, we can make a real