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Sue Trickey More about Sue Trickey

Plock Court Meadow, Framed Canvas

Regular price £74.99
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Sue is partially deaf and relies heavily upon lip-reading and hearing aids. She will often find herself at the edge of social situations, struggling to hear, unable to participate as she would like to. This can lead to much frustration and has been a factor in some of the mental health challenges she has faced over the years. Art has enabled Sue to express herself in a way she feels she is unable to with words. 

Sue visited Plock Court in Gloucester and was thrilled to be able to do some plein air painting within this glorious meadow. She enjoyed experimenting with acrylics and even some metallic paints which you will be able to pick out if you look closely. The memory of the day is quite bittersweet for Sue as she was exceptionally proud of her painting, however when she returned a year on, enthusiastic to paint again, the meadow was over-run  with weeds, with only a handful of wallflowers and poppies to be found. Maybe this makes Sue's day all the more special and maybe one year the meadow will bounce back to its former glory...

Plock Court Meadow is giclée printed on a 38mm stretched canvas within a deep, picture frame. The frame around the canvas creates a gallery style piece art. The frame also sits approximately 5mm from the edge of the canvas creating a floating border. The end results is a piece of art which has real impact.