Introducing Art Box Arts, home to a number of our artists

I’d like to introduce you to the vibrant world of Art Box Arts, an extraordinary art group nestled in the heart of Suffolk. I have been working with the group since the very early days of Art Rabble and am endlessly impressed by the calibre of the work the group create. Art Box Arts is a haven for creativity, fostering the talents of disabled artists with high expectations but an abundance of team spirit. Each artist embarks on a self-defined journey, exploring unique styles and interests, whether that be pattern making (George), classic cars (Robin) or mythical sea creatures (Summer).


The rhythm of Art Box Arts is as varied as its artists. From Robin's thrice-weekly visits to George's once-a-week rendezvous, the studio buzzes with energy and enthusiasm. Some artists arrive with their carers, while others venture in independently. Each artist sets their own agenda; they are then supported by Helen, herself an artist, and her husband Steve, who has a wealth of experience in photography and pattern-making. Helen and Steve encourage the artists to explore new techniques and believe in themselves. The results are astounding – and not just the artwork. Art Box Arts makes such an enormous difference to the lives of the disabled artists enrolled in its classes. It is a safe, inclusive place where disabled artists really flourish.

Here, birthdays are celebrated, nerves are quelled before exhibitions, and common interests are explored. Fish & chip Fridays add a delicious touch to the camaraderie. Art Box Arts isn't just an art group; it's a dynamic and joyful community where bonds are forged and stereotypes of disability quashed.

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